

© Copyright 2017-2021 The Female Factory Online

The Female Factory Online is a public history project that centralises, for the first time, the fragmentary and dispersed data relating to the Parramatta Female Factory in one browseable and searchable open-access database. As such, this project is an original model and is the intellectual property of founder and owner, Dr. Michaela Ann Cameron, who asserts copyright in it.


The Female Factory Online is not the copyright holder of the primary sources cited in the making of this website. Those sources have been republished here following a copyright assessment. If you wish to re-use this content you need to undertake your own copyright assessment and/or contact the listed provider of the original source. [Note: you will find active links to the original source/s at the bottom of every page]


Dr. Cameron asserts copyright in all transcriptions of primary source material, including those entries assisted by interns, as these were transcribed a second time by Dr. Cameron for accuracy prior to publication. All transcriptions were carried out voluntarily and are supplied in this non-commercial, open access arena for personal research purposes only. The provision of an “open access” resource in an online environment does not mean all copyright has been relinquished to the public domain. You cannot reproduce, publish or store any individual transcription entry, multiple entries in bulk, essays, or replicate the themes presented here on any other website / repository, including but not limited to podcasts, blogs, vlogs, or interpretive displays such as in an online or in-person exhibition, nor can you do this for the profiles that have been researched and created by Dr. Michaela Ann Cameron. If in doubt about your intended use, direct enquiries to the copyright holder/s of the work published on this website and only proceed after obtaining a license in writing. Please contact for all permissions enquiries.

All parties interested in reusing any content in a commercial, that is ‘for profit’, project or setting should also contact to enquire about licensing and / or negotiating a formal partnership with the Female Factory Online.

The FFO has also been granted permission to use pictorial images from the relevant agencies.


Regarding secondary sources, such as essays, the FFO has received permission from the individual contributors via author agreements to publish biographical content on this website. However, as director and editor, Dr. Michaela Ann Cameron asserts copyright in the foundational research required to identify the essay subject and assignment to an appropriate expert, as well as in the edited versions of those published essays contributed by authors, including the visual design of each piece resulting from the multimedia research completed by Dr. Cameron. There is, in short, joint copyright in the essays and blog posts presented here, so licensing them for republication can only proceed with the permission of all copyright holders.

Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner/s.

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